We are here to


from boredom…

The internet is no place for logic. We think we’ll stay.

Life-long friends Nate Slayter and Christopher Sambrook have come together to whine, complain, and possibly even try to dictate about videogames, comics, movies, and more. So basically the same thing they do everyday, only now it’s on the interwebs.

Plot Hole Productions gives them the platform to be annoying for your amusement. So sit back and enjoy our content with each click.

Be sure to keep a look out for comic book sales and giveaways.

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Dedicated Staff

Our faculty are passionate about the work they do and bring this enthusiasm into their post.

Creativity First

We put an emphasis on creativity within a structure that has been proven to have a positive impact on entertainment.

Super Wide Stuff

We offer a wide variety of entertainment from YouTube videos to blog posts; all with the intention of getting wider and wider-er. So get ready!